Sunday, November 24, 2013

Basics of Pranking

I dont know about you, but my brother and sister tick me off. a lot. So sometimes, I think they need some pranking.
The #1 thing that you should think about before/while doing a prank, is "Will I get in trouble if I get caught?" Most of the time, the answer to this question is yes. And that's OK, just make sure that you don't get caught. However, if the prank that you are doing is so bad that you would get sent to military school, then don't do it. just don't.

Here are some things that you should think about before you do a prank:

1. will I get in deep crap
2. will my brother/sister even care
3. is this prank too mean
4. will it scar my brother/sister for life

When I say "will it scar my brother /sister for life" I mean, don't be too scary. If your planning to do scary makeup or a creepy costume, make sure that it isn't too scary- especially if your brother/sister is younger than you.